Archive for the ‘Decapitation’ Category


By LadyJustice

Not too many things actually scare me. However, being dismembered while still living does it. This is just some of what 12 (or possibly more) victims of the Cleveland Torso Murderer aka Mad Butcher of Kingsbury Run experienced. These people were all killed between 1935 and 1938 in Cleveland but the lead detective, Peter Merylo, believed there may have been over 13 victims in Cleveland, Youngstown, and Pittsburgh. (more…)


By ThinkGoat

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M.  It’s got to take a real shitbag to bring me out of retirement. This story has three. (more…)


By ThinkGoat

Memphis, Tennessee  Really? It’s Crime Crawlers. I’m not going to waste my precious time on some idiot who decides to risk life and limb on some sharp-assed metal only to get a few bucks in his pocket for groceries, tuition, whores, drugs, or a 40 oz. This story stood out because of something that prompted this quick-thinking dialog: “I’m like, man, what the hell you got going on, bro? He said something like he didn’t mean to kill him. I said, kill who brother? I don’t want to know who that is, I don’t want to know. You don’t got to tell me.”

By ThinkGoat

Here We Go Again, Arizona  “Longevity runs in my family, and I don’t want to spend the rest of my natural life in one place,” Arias told “I believe death is the ultimate freedom and I’d rather have my freedom as soon as I can get it.”

What’s the fucking holdup?


S&Man (pronounced Sandman) is a psuedo-documentary following the exploits of writer-director J.T. Petty as he delves into the underground horror scene. Petty starts off the film narrating the story of a local urban legend of a video voyuer in his hometown who was unable to be prosecuted due the victims not wanting to press charges because the videos of them would have to be screened in court. Petty describes his admiration for the voyuer being able to get away with this and wanted to make a documentary about him. This admission, while most likely untrue, sets the tone for the film. Not only that, it indicates the viewer as an accessory for watching this. However, Petty put the cart before the horse and got the funding before his intended subject. The peeper turned down Petty’s attempts to film him, so Petty decides to switch gears and focus on another dark territory: fake snuff movies. (more…)


8-year-old Leiby Kletzky

By LadyJustice

Brooklyn, New York-The search for 8-year-old Leiby Kletzky was finally brought to an end early this morning. Police tracked down a man that they saw talking to him in a grainy surveillance tape just before he disappeared. That man turned out to be Levi Aron and when they asked him where the child was he nodded toward his kitchen. There the investigators discovered parts of the boy’s body in his refrigerator, bloody knives, a bloody cutting board, and lots of blood but that wasn’t the end of the story. (more…)

By ThinkGoat

Lake Cushman, Washington I know better than to “read more” on a child abuse story. I really do. As anyone who’s read me for a long time knows, I hate these stories but believe in exposing the monsters who prey upon them. I’m just not the person for the writing job. They affect me deeply and once I get sucked in, I become so consumed with what the hell drives adults to do these things that I end up writing them. And I would have looked over this story with hope someone else would pick it up had it not been for the picture of this darling little girl and the words, “slashed throat”. And after reading about a dozen police accounts, mother’s statement, and probable cause report, I was so disgusted and sucked in that I had to tell little 5-year-old Clare Louise Shelwell’s story. (more…)

By ThinkGoat

Jacksonville, Florida The other day I was just preparing some of our readers for crimes that seem to experience an influx during the summer months. Since it’s been a little chilly here, I failed to realize things would be heating up elsewhere in the US. Particularly Florida. Oh how I love Florida. No, not for the beaches – they tend to be a little over-crowded. If it’s sun and sand I want, I head to the Gulf Coast of Alabama, my heart’s home. My fondness for Florida has everything to do with the people. They don’t just commit crimes, they excel in the act. And in Florida, they have no sense of proportion. Perhaps there really is something to getting “too much sun”. Naw, I don’t think so. I’ve lived on the beaches of Maui Hawaii and the Alabama Gulf Coast. I’ve soaked up plenty of rays. Not once have I ever gathered an arm full of clothes in Wal-Mart and pissed all over them (as in the story Lazlo featured) and not once have I ever carried a severed head in a bag… (more…)