Posts Tagged ‘Partial Decapitation’

By ThinkGoat

Lake Cushman, Washington I know better than to “read more” on a child abuse story. I really do. As anyone who’s read me for a long time knows, I hate these stories but believe in exposing the monsters who prey upon them. I’m just not the person for the writing job. They affect me deeply and once I get sucked in, I become so consumed with what the hell drives adults to do these things that I end up writing them. And I would have looked over this story with hope someone else would pick it up had it not been for the picture of this darling little girl and the words, “slashed throat”. And after reading about a dozen police accounts, mother’s statement, and probable cause report, I was so disgusted and sucked in that I had to tell little 5-year-old Clare Louise Shelwell’s story. (more…)