Posts Tagged ‘Amber Meidinger’

By ThinkGoat

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania There’s a reason I avoid reading some stories in the news. As much as I believe in exposing perpetrators who abuse, rape, and kill children, I find it almost impossible to write them up. I tend to get a little attached, especially when they include a picture of the child. I honestly cannot wrap my brain around it. (It’s not saying I can wrap my brain around someone screwing an animal, a corpse, or stuff like that but it’s so bizarre it makes it entertaining to research in such a sick way) But killing a child, an elderly person, or someone who’s mentally equal to a child through torture and abuse, well, I just get really sick…and pissed. And unfortunately the damn eye doctor fixed me up with the ability to see again and my damn eyes fucked me over. They scanned the following story until I reached the rage stage and now I can’t get it out of my head. Allow me to introduce 30-year-old Jennifer Daugherty, a loving, trusting mentally challenged woman who bumped up against the wrong crowd. (more…)