Posts Tagged ‘Manslaughter’

By ThinkGoat

Bartlesville, Oklahoma Lyndsey Fiddler, mother of three children (ages 4, 3, and a 10-day old) has quite an extensive criminal record according to the authorities. Not only had she been charged for driving without a license but driving that car without strapping in her small children. Unfortunately, this isn’t extremely uncommon – I see it daily. It’s the assault charges that begin to set of big warning signs. That, coupled with drug charges when she was 4-months pregnant with her last child should have been enough to put her on someone’s radar. Actually, it did. It was her family that tried to intervene by getting her parental rights revoked due to her drug abuse but the judicial system decided they knew best. There was something that left the family uneasy about this meth-crazed mother and 10 days after Ms. Fiddler gave birth, an aunt decided to pop in on her. Perhaps to see if she could lend some help, perhaps to ease the family’s emotional state of fearing the worst. What do you think she found? (more…)

By ThinkGoat

Worcester County, Pennsylvania I’ve some friends who’re wonderful with situational fabrication. Upon listening to them, I know they’re completely full of shit but the tale is so awesome I find myself pretending it occurred right along with them. Then I have friends (they’re in the minority) who lack this talent. When they spin their story, it’s painfully obvious they’re trying to get me to believe their crap. And because I’m not one to accept being force-fed bullshit, I enjoy the little cat and mouse game. I sit and listen until I’ve allowed them to arm me with enough inconsistencies that I start pelting them with questions to hear how they dig themselves out. It always ends up the same way:  a change of subject. Are we really so apt to believe everything that comes out of someone’s mouth or have we become so detached that we just don’t really listen to ourselves or anyone else now? Because surely, if some people did listen to what spilled out of the gaping hole in their face, they’d take a vow of silence. This little “pull up” comes a bit late for Steven Molin who once again has proven it’s best to be thought an idiot than to open the mouth and remove all doubt. (more…)