Sheriff Schieferdecker Apologizes to “Little Fag Jew Boys”

Posted: March 26, 2011 by thinkgoat in Just Messed Up
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By ThinkGoat

Schuyler County Illinois Not knowing how the internet works, a Central Illinois sheriff decided the best way to learn was to just jump in head first. He would have chosen feet first but he’d not seen them in years. That’s really not important, the fact he was courageous enough is all that matters. We like that character attribute in those who’re sworn to protect and serve. But a funny thing happened on the way home to plow those fields in farmville after a long night of hunting the [ever so elusive] anhydrous thieves; thoughts of gay-Jewish guys flittered into his brain. And he couldn’t wait to sign onto his computer to opine. Or something like that.

Some of you may remember and some of you may be curious, I was first “introduced” to Sheriff Schieferdecker back in October of 2009. With his stellar professionalism, coupled with the fact Ryan Boyd has yet to go to trial for his “alleged” crimes, it’s no wonder why I continued to remain mildly fascinated and curious with this sheriff. I mean, who would have thought the dead boy’s parents would find out the sheriff had not been honest with them? Not with the awesome communication skills of the idiots involved.

Following up on a “tip”, I followed a link provided which led me to believe I’d find something about the sheriff condoning under-aged drinking. I will admit, I didn’t think I could do much with that information other than tuck it away for a rainy day. But then there it was; looking back at me like a beacon in the dark calling for attention; the simple and innocent statement corresponding with a picture of a young man: “Yup and his mouth is open, his glasses are off, he’s ready, little fag Jew boy.” Oops. I stuck my head in cold water, refreshed the page, and to beat all odds that statement was still there.

I did what any normal person would do. *I laughed it off. Long after I screen printed the fucker and posted it on Crime Crawlers’ facebook page. (* Laughed if off as in: oooh shit, the fat fuck hung himself)

The young man who’s page hosting the majority of Sheriff Schieferdecker’s musings is 20-years-old. He works for the sheriff. So does the boy featured in the photo: the fag jew boy himself. And as much as Shieferdecker would love for us to believe he was just jacking around with these two boys, as much as he’d love for us to believe it’s a natural thing they shared, it’s important to acknowledge the fact Schieferdecker was/is their boss and equally important: there’s little to no participation from either employee after their clever (and disturbed) superior drops his jokes. But to the sheriff’s defense, how the hell does one top his jokes? The hilarity coming off those fat fingertips would be difficult to rival.

Don Schieferdecker thought this was all a big joke, thought his explanation when confronted would be sufficient and it’d all go away, realizing his succinct words would be enough to smooth the situation over for those who lacked his sense of humor. “Jesse and I work together, we are very very close friends. He is always jacking with me, throwing jabs, kidding around, Spencer and I always jack around with him back. Spencer had put a picture of Jesse on facebook and made a comment about it I made one back. It was a joke back at Jesse as we are always messing with each other. Nothing meant by it, I would do anything for the young man as i know he would back. Just pissing with each other.” To quote Lazlo:  “Ha fucking ha ha”. Funny. Jesse never did jack back in that conversation. Nor did Spencer. Just Don. He’s lucky these two young boys aren’t familiar with sexual harassment law.

Knowing how small-town politics work, I sent a late-night email to a friend of mine who oversees the content in a local paper and urged him to look into the matter. The article appeared as front page news two days later. Forwarding the screen print to a resourceful and clever friend on facebook, he took the information to a local television station and they reported the story the following day. And deciding to try the king of cards, I shouted out to another facebook friend, David Lohr with AOL News, and his story was published 2 hours later (and the first one to include an apology). A shot heard around the world.

  1. JOE says:




  2. billy says:

    leave don alone. he says its a joke between friend so let it be. at laest he isnt crooked like former Sheriff Dewayne Bond was/is.


  3. thinkgoat says:

    Media/Press Contact
    Anthony Martinez, Executive Director

    The Civil Rights Agenda Calls for Illinois Sheriff’s Resignation
    Schuyler County Sheriff must step down after “Fag Jew Boy” comment posted on Facebook

    March 26, 2011 -The Civil Rights Agenda (TCRA), an Illinois’ statewide LGBTQ advocacy and political organization, is calling for the resignation of Schuyler County Sherriff Don Schieferdecker after it was reported that he posted a comment on Facebook that referred to a co-worker as a “little fag Jew boy.”

    “It is absolutely incomprehensible that an elected official would use such language to refer to a subordinate. I don’t care if it was meant in jest or not. I don’t care if he meant for everyone to see it or not. The fact is, the comment is now public and there should be consequences for statements such as this,” stated Anthony Martinez, Executive Director of The Civil Rights Agenda. “Not only is this remark extremely hurtful to many Illinoisans, it sends a message to folks that it is okay to use such language. It sends the message that it is appropriate to mock Jewish people and people who are gay or part of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Community.”

    “There is no room for bigots in this state,” said Lowell Jaffe, Political Director of The Civil Rights Agenda. “As a Jewish descendent and a member of the LGBT Community, this comment turns my stomach. The Sheriff is a very public figure and an elected official; he is a leader. His comments do not show leadership, they reek of discrimination and ignorance. Think of what this says to a child, especially a child who may be struggling with their sexual identity.”

    The Civil Rights Agenda is asking residents of Illinois, especially residents of Schuyler County, to contact the Sheriff and respectfully ask him to step down. Schuyler County Sheriff Don Schieferdecker can be reached at (217) 322-4366, or by email at

    “We will be watching this very closely,” said Anthony Martinez. “We will be contacting the elected officials in the area, and other organizations and groups within the state that will work with us to ensure that the Sheriff is held accountable for his discriminatory remarks.”

    – # # # –

    About The Civil Rights Agenda
    The Civil Rights Agenda (TCRA) continues the fight for individual rights through coalition building and leadership, supporting communities with the necessary tools that will equip them with the resources and confidence to establish equality for all persons, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. To learn more, please visit us online at or contact us at



  4. Schuyler County Resident says:

    I would like to see something happen with this but im betting it wont. Most of the locals wont speak up for fear of repercussions from the sheriff and his clan. I really doubt he will resign but maybe this Civil Rights Agenda can put the pressure on the county board and they will do something. Good work Crime Crawlers!


  5. thinkgoat says:

    I hope we’ve only begun to see the fallout from all this. To see how this has spread over just a few days has really been incredible – and we’ll keep it out here until something is done!


  6. Schuyler County Resident says:

    It will be interesting to see if there is anything said about all this in the “Weekly Wipe” (Rushville Times) come Wednesday.
    With all the “rumors” about the sheriff and his department concerning the Susan Bonser case, the Ryan Jones case and several other instances I think a good old house cleaning is long past due! The problem is, if the county board does end up finding enough balls to do something one of his own will more than likely take over and little will change.


  7. […] Facebook screen cap above is from Crime Crawlers, which originally came across the posted […]


  8. kim says:

    although i appreciate the civic journalism, i can’t help but notice the hypocrisy when you call schieferdecker a “fat fuck.” that’s awfully size-ist and mean-spirited of you, who (i assume) stands for social justice.

    i’m not saying what this sheriff did was right – it’s anything but – however, i wish you’d refrain from such ableist, body-shaming language.


  9. fuck little fag jewboys and fuck you for screwing with people fucking around on facebook. You suck ass and I guarantee if you found a post where a black cop called white people krackers you wouldn’t say a fucking thing.

    You mother fuckers make me sick. Screaming in outrage over BULLSHIT that has nothing to do with you. That stupid facebook test on what ‘historical’ person are you, those things are written by 10 year olds, I got vlad the impaler, does that mean I impale people? NO.

    Man get a life and go to hell.


  10. thinkgoat says:

    Jesus, people still say, “kracker”? Who fucking knew?


  11. […] responded, “Yup and his mouth is open, his glasses are off, he’s ready, little fag jew […]


  12. JOE says:

    Wow palebunny, you have some learning to do. This is everyone’s business (I don’t live anywhere near your over-weight, out of shape Sheriff- that commentary is factual & true.) He needs to be removed from office. Hope it goes to National media and they don’t let-up until he is gone. The truth is the truth. It is incumbent upon truth-seekers to seek it, find it and live it. This Sheriff is a disgrace. And possibly a liar; to now call it a “joke.” And even if it is, it is beyond the law on all sorts of levels (sexual harrass, racist, homophobia, prejudice, predatory on young men, predatory on lower-ranking at work, anti-jew, etc. & there are more egregious violations too !)

    P.B. your response is beyond the pale. In the “old-mississippi south,” commentary like Sheriff Schieferdecker’s might have been about the KKK and that wasn’t “joking” either.

    You are wrong to defend this man and the City Council (or whomever has the authority, recall etc.) needs to remove him from this employment, immediately. Thank-goodness it was caught on in-your-FaceBook and documented before the “Sheriff” covered-their-corrupt-tracks. Schieferdecker IS a law breaker.

    No matter who cusses about it or not.


  13. JOE says:

    Oh yea…and did this “Sheriff” make these “jokes” and disgusting comments (and follow-up statements) from the computers at work or while he was on the clock ??? Time for the the computer experts to investigate !


  14. jbrantow says:

    His inner values can easily translate to physical actions. He’s a representative of a community and it’s government. Fire this bigots ass. Bigots have to be made an example


  15. V says:

    This man needs to resign or be otherwise removed. There is no excuse for gay-bashing, antisemitism, sexual harassment, verbal harassment, etc. by anyone, let alone a public official. The fact that he did this, then tried to explain it away as just “a joke” that people were blowing out of proportion is sick and twisted and there is no need for a sheriff like that in anyone’s town or county.


  16. V says:

    Hm. And while I’m commenting, isn’t the person who posted the picture with the caption, “look I found a fag” also an employee of the police department? He should be fired, as well. In my opinion, anyway.


  17. […] responded, “Yup and his mouth is open, his glasses are off, he’s ready, little fag jew […]


  18. Someone in that position, with that kind of power and responsibility needs to be held to higher standard than the average citizen. That sheriff is a disgrace to the badge. He is sorry, alright…sorry that he got caught. Good job, CrimeCrawlers.


  19. Not alone in Schuyler County anymore says:

    This just in: (Always wanted to say that) The Sheriff will be on WGEM news tonight at 5 and 6 p.m. to talk about ANHYDROUS Thefts in the area. After all that is going on he is going to go on the news to portray just how hard he is working for the people of Schuyler County, Illinois. See for the 3 stories involving the “Honorable Don Schieferdecker” (that’s what he calls himself and writes that on the return address when he mails something.)


  20. thinkgoat says:

    It’d be great if the TV reporter confronts him with his sexually charged and bigoted comments and ask him about stepping down. But somehow I know better than to hold my breath. That’d be like confronting the issue.

    I’d like to see all the actual police reports of anhydrous theft – or are they attempting to do damage control and help him cover his lame excuse of being tired that night he made his coined “jew fag boy” remark. Maybe he’ll muster up a doctor’s note saying he has Tourette’s Syndrome.


  21. Dawn Schieferdecker says:

    This is a good man that for some reason you have a grudge against. This is a loving husband, father, and grandfather. He comes from a line of sheriffs for this county, most noteably both his father AND his mother before him. He made a mistake and it was an offensive one. But you won’t find one example of prejudicial behavior in his career – not one. He is one of the few honest ones left. I don’t know why you have this personal grudge against him, but the hurt you have caused not just him but his entire family with your hateful comments and slanders is unconscienable. You are commiting the exact same offenses you claim are so unforgiveable in him. Go find someone committing real crimes and leave my children’s grandfather alone.


  22. thinkgoat says:

    While I appreciate you stopping by, Dawn, I must only tell you one thing: Your father did this to HIMSELF.


  23. justAbitch says:

    No one is commiting slander Dawn. Slander is defined as a malicious, false, and defamatory statement or report. Nothing that has been said meets that definition. Your fathers own words have been spread around the world. There have also been other issues with discrimination from your father. How many times have charges been brought up regarding discrimination? As a matter of fact, he has a case against him right now. I can give you a link if need be. It is an insult to the rest of us for you to come on here trying to paint this beautiful, honorable picture of yoru father. I understand that kids usually idolize their parents but you need to take your rose colored glasses off honey.


  24. Opus Penguin says:

    What specifically are the “hateful comments and slanders” that you claim Thinkgoat has made?


  25. justAbitch says:

    Thats the one.


  26. thinkgoat says:

    Shit, that was just a joke among friends. They were just jacking and pissing around.


  27. justAbitch says:

    I do agree with something the “good” mayors wife said, ” Words don’t usually come out of your mouth unless you’ve been holding them in your mind and heart for a while.” So joke my ass.


  28. thinkgoat says:

    I’ve read about 2000 comments on a few sites and everyone else says the same. PLUS a shit-ton more.


  29. justAbitch says:

    I googled “don schieferdecker discrimination” earlier and there were 1680 hits! No one gives a shit if he is a good dad or a good grandfather. All anyone cares about and is going to continue to care about is the fact that he made a racially and sexually charged comment to a subordinate and thats all that matters. If he made this comment publicly on facebook, how many other comments has he made that werent caught?


  30. thinkgoat says:

    Google “Jew Fag Boy” and a few other combinations – you’ll see how far this has spread.


  31. justAbitch says:

    Oh I am sure. I have been forwarding the article to every group I can think of that havent already published it or commented on it.


  32. thinkgoat says:

    I’d love some resident of Schuyler County to push for a forensics analysis of his work computer. You know, the one that’s “strictly for business”. (he ran home to do his FarmVille and FrontierVille stuff during the day…)


  33. interesting says:

    TG, I was just wondering something as I read these comments. I am sure that the “Honorable Don Scheiferdecker” is a member of the Illinois Sheriffs Association. Have you forwarded this information to them? Also, have they commented on it?


  34. thinkgoat says:

    I haven’t, but I’m sure someone has. We’re getting hits all over the place – and I’m sure the Civil Rights Agenda are being extremely thorough. I’ll find out if they’ve opened dialog with the Sheriff’s Association. Thanks, Interesting.


  35. JOE says:

    While your love for your, “children’s grandfather,” is noble, he is not my children’s grandfather. He is a SHERIFF. I live in another state far, far away (thank God). I don’t know about your town or area, but this much I do know; this man must immediately resign or be recalled (or removed from office by the Commissioners if they have the power & authority). The Sheriff’s words are deplorable, hurtful, mean, rude,and beyond offensive. And the excuses he makes after being caught, even worse ! This man needs education, sensitivity training, social awareness and to be out of office now ! There are so many ***qualified individuals*** who could do this job. Dawn, “it was a mistake,” is not going to fly. No one has a vendetta or grudge. His own horrid commentary, is the reason he is going to be fired and it is more than appropriate to do so. My adult-child is gay and to even THINK that a man like this Sheriff, could have ANY power or authority over them (should they ever be in your town) makes me angry.
    Law enforcement have their hand on a gun and a key to a jail cell; I want a Sheriff who is accountable on all levels, at all times.
    You are very unfair to this blog Dawn…they did an amazing job catching this law-breaking behavior. We have heard about thousands of miles away. Teach your kids: to seek justice and to go do the right thing.


  36. JOE says:

    And what about Schieferdecker’s, ” yeah last night when you bent over and it went in dry…” commentary ! This from a supposed multi-generational “honorable” Sheriff ??? OMG.


  37. DUH says:

    Id be very interested to know if there was gay or child porn on his office computer.


  38. Nosey says:

    come on guys, it isnt like he said ” nappy headed ho” or anything LMAO


  39. thinkgoat says:

    This is a good man that for some reason you have a grudge against. – Dawn Schieferdecker

    A good man does not sexually harass his employees. I’d ridicule any boss caught exhibiting this behavior.

    This is a loving husband, father, and grandfather. – Dawn Schieferdecker

    I’m sure this is rare honesty you’re sharing with us, this evening. I’d not know but I hope your your sake, this statement is true. It holds no bearing to your father’s story, though and does nothing but attempt to manipulate emotions.

    He comes from a line of sheriffs for this county, most noteably both his father AND his mother before him – Dawn Schieferdecker

    So he should know better, right? Or does your father feel a sense of entitlement that keeps him from scrutiny?

    He made a mistake and it was an offensive one. – Dawn Schieferdecker

    Haha! Yes he DID!

    But you won’t find one example of prejudicial behavior in his career – not one. – Dawn Schieferdecker

    Oops. Found one.

    September 22, 2009


    I believe Mr. King is an African-American man.

    While we’re here, let’s look at the death of Ryan Jones. While your father may not have exhibited prejudicial behavior, he exibited an “alleged” lapse in professionalism. He “allegedly” chose to protect his deputy’s son who’s soon to stand trial for manslaughter in that case instead of telling Mr. Jones the truth. In fact, he didn’t have the good sense God gave him to arrive at the hospital to talk to the family, Mr. Jones had to have your father dispatched. When your father did arrive and was confronted with the “alleged” lies that his son was alone in that vehicle accident, your father “allegedly” chose to pick a fight with a distraught father who’d just learned his son was dead. Why he thought thier departmental lies would trump evidence, God only knows. But thank God for the idiot kids at the scene. Had it not been for their awesome texting skills, it would have perhaps taken longer for the Jones family to learn at least a small piece of the truth.

    Let’s look at the Susan Bonser murder case your father assumed when he took office. Let’s look at the fact they had the DNA that was a positive match to the man now serving prison time years before this case got some light shined upon it again. It took 17 years to solve that murder. (My second exposure to your father’s outstanding professionalism)

    Both cases have left me to assume your father is prejudiced. Susan Bonser and Ryan Jones were both Caucasian but perhaps they didn’t belong to families your father would find himself associating. As a taxpayer and as a victim’s surviving family member, I’d AT THE VERY LEAST expect to have periodic updates as to the progress in the investigation of my loved one’s case. The Bonser family received very little over your father’s tenure and the Joneses, nothing.

    He is one of the few honest ones left. – Dawn Schieferdecker

    That doesn’t speak highly of the others on the department, does it?

    I don’t know why you have this personal grudge against him, but the hurt you have caused not just him but his entire family with your hateful comments and slanders is unconscienable. – Dawn Schieferdecker

    A personal grudge would mean that I’d have to know your father personally. I do not. My concern and focus is due to his display of carelessness in his profession. The hurt that has been caused to your father and your family is a direct reflection of his actions. I understand needing to place blame elsewhere but an honest assessment of the situation clearly shows that I am correct. I doubt you’ll ever come to that realization.

    You are commiting the exact same offenses you claim are so unforgiveable in him. – Dawn Schieferdecker

    No. I am not. I’m neither an elected official nor am I sexually harassing my employees. I’m not dependent on the taxpayers to pay my salary. I’m not sworn to uphold the law. I’m just a regular citizen that’s not held to the same standards as a sheriff. I’m not telling my employees I’m going to shove my dry dick into their ass and I’m not going around calling all my buds little fag jew boys.

    Go find someone committing real crimes and leave my children’s grandfather alone. – Dawn Schieferdecker

    I’d hope your children haven’t seen what their granddaddy has posted. That’d call into question your parenting. But really, as soon as the Jones case is properly settled, as soon as the lawmen in Schuyler County put a stop to the young punks who bash defenseless animals brains in with chains, bats, and clubs, and as soon as your father has been held accountable for his pathetic manner of joking around with his employees, I’d love nothing more than to never have to type “Schuyler County” ever again. However, I’m a realist. I’m probably going to find a story stemming from there each time I look.


  40. Opus Penguin says:

    Here is something some of the people defending the Sheriff may not be considering.

    I have a hypothetical for you:
    Suppose nothing is done….that the Schulyer County Board can’t (or wont) reprimand the Sheriff or relieve him of his duties.
    And suppose the Sheriff doesn’t resign.

    This is what might….oh heck,this is what WILL eventually happen:

    A Jewish person or a gay person or,well,any minority is pulled over by a Schulyer Sheriff’s deputy (or even a Rushville city police officer)….and is warned or given a ticket.

    Or charged with some other crime.

    Now,since what the lead law official of Schulyer said on the Facebook photo has gone all over the country (and around the world),what is the FIRST thing that person is going to do?

    Get a lawyer and sue the hell out of Schuyler County for discrimination.

    And all a lawyer would have to do is whip out a copy of the now infamous Facebook photo.


  41. Annoyed says:

    The mayor was unavailable for comment. According to the Jacksonville Journal-Courier, the Schuyler County Board has yet to take action.

    “We don’t have all the details right now, so we can’t comment until we see all the details,” board member Max McClelland told the newspaper.

    Mayor – answer your phone and make a statement requesting the sheriff to resign.

    Max – the information is all over the internet including the screenshot.


  42. JOE says:

    You guys & gals, deserve an award for breaking this story !

    It would be interesting to know how long and how much of this type of “joking ” was permitted and exemplified by this “Honorable Sheriff?” Did the past generations do it too?


  43. Not alone in Schuyler County anymore says:

    London, England:

    Full Story:

    29 March 2011 Video apology on air last night.


  44. thinkgoat says:

    Thanks, Joe. There is satisfaction enough having this story reach as far as it has. But locally, they’re doing damage control and continuing to tell people it’s no big deal.


  45. JOE says:

    David Lohr is on national media, Nancy Grace, tonight. If it isn’t talked about on-screen, pretty sure it will be off. That was our suggestion to him.

    As for the locals…truth comes out a little at a time. Nice work Crime Crawlers. You deserve donuts 🙂


  46. justAbitch says:

    I’m confused, does he feel bad because of the comment he made or because it was in fact public? Doesnt sound like there is any remorse regarding the comment, just that he got caught making it.

    When is Nancy Grace on and on what network?


  47. thinkgoat says:

    David is wonderful, for sure. And donuts? I get first choice! 🙂

    Joe, thank you for the attention you’ve given this story, as well. It’s very pleasing.


  48. JOE says:

    As posted on Dave Lohr’s Face Book (LOL)

    ” David Lohr
    I’ll be on Nancy Grace again tonight at 8 pm EST.

    David Lohr This has been pushed to tomorrow at 8 pm EST. “


  49. bornagainstvape says:

    Gotta love this. Being a Canadian, we have enough of our own twisted, backwoods news, that I love seeing people ensure the word gets, and STAYS out there.

    Down with this guy.


  50. blah4 says:

    So you do know what “allegedly” means then how can you state the Jones case as fact? Is that your opinion or a known fact to you?


  51. blah4 says:

    Duh. I’d like to know if there is gay and child porn on your office computer. Let’s just start making wild accusations!


  52. thinkgoat says:

    What’s your issue, blah?


  53. DUH says:

    Blah, I was not accusing him of having a puter full of gay or child porn but I was wondering if he may have it on his office puter. He seems to like to jerk around with kids just under the legal age and seems to make several references to gay sex. Its a legit ponderence


  54. thinkgoat says:

    Duh, ignore the troll with butthurt.


  55. […] Crime Crawlers (which first tipped off AOL News) has screencaps. […]


  56. thinkgoat says:

    And the threats from [one] police officer begins: (taken from Rushville, IL’s facebook page)

    Shane David Hunt
    For those of you who want to throw stones must be careful for the glass houses you live is just as vulnerable. To try a take down a 30 yr veteran of law enforcement who has at one time or another touched 90% of the lives in Rushville and either saved you from trouble or helped you out of it. Officer Shane Hunt

    Shane David Hunt You sir must not know me, for I do not walk to the beat of anyones drum, so for you to throw a stone at my glass house, would and will be a very bad mistake on your part. I am merely defending the reputation of a good officer! I would hope that you have friends that you would do the same!


  57. Not alone in Schuyler County anymore says:

    Bedwell: “My give-a-damn is busted!”

    Schieferdecker: “Yeah, last night when you bent over and it went in dry, that is probably not all that busted mister”


    Bedwell: “Look, I found a fag”

    Schieferdecker: “Yup, and his mouth is open, glasses are off, he’s ready little fag jew boy”

    “I am merely defending the reputation of a good officer! I would hope that you have friends that you would do the same!” Officer Shane Hunt

    The same, huh? I read these posts before they disappeared. Let’s see, Schieferdecker teaches D.A.R.E. classes in the schools, gives lectures regarding Halloween safety and strangers, interrogates juveniles in the backroom of the jail without parental consent, etc.

    “Is this someone that children are suppose to look up to?? We try everyday to teach our children the difference between right and wrong, and unfortunately we still have people teaching children that it is ok to be racist based on skin color, religion, or sexuality!! I don’t, and now he is one more person that I have to explain to my children not to grow up to be like. “treat others the way you want to be treated”Angie Neese (fb)

    How does she explain this to her children? Parts of these quotes were left out of most publications and television news reports – they are TOO GRAPHIC. What would those folks still on his side/defending this fine individual (I’ve heard some say it was just a couple of words…) think if they actually saw these posts reprinted on fb?



  58. Bader says:

    My kids where reading the paper and came across the news about Donnie they couldnt believe that he would talk like that knowing he does D.A.R.E and Big Buddy day….Thanks Donnie for making me explain to my kids that one…..


  59. rushvillecitizen says:

    thinkgoat, please go to aol and read my comment on there.thank-you rushvillecitizen


  60. thinkgoat says:

    Which story and the same moniker? Can you just type the same here? There are many comments to go through.


  61. rushvillecitizen says:

    Dear Mr.Lohr,just wondering why nothing has been said about Jesse.i think Sheriff Schieferdecker should apologize to him.i have read about everything on the internet and no never mention about me he is the jester of the joke.he is a human being not just a picture that was posted on facebook.came to think of it schieferdecker and spencer bedwell should apologize to him. and let the public know that they did the right thing by apologizing to him.


  62. thinkgoat says:

    I found it, RushvilleCitizen and I agree. A real apology from the sheriff would have been to the boy featured in the picture. And an apology to the other employee for the anal penetration “jokes”. Not once. Not once, did he offer up an apology to the young men – especially the one featured. That poor guy was not participating in the banter at all. That’s one of the many reasons his “apology” was lame. A real man would have humbled himself and realized his actions were inappropriate toward his employees.


  63. rushvillecitizen says:

    Thank-You thinkgoat!!! rushvillecitizen


  64. thinkgoat says:

    And thank you for taking the time to comment here and David’s article. It’s important to remember, that young man in the picture is a VICTIM of the sheriff. I really wish the citizens of your community would embrace that fact – he was not “part of the joke”. He WAS the joke. Not funny at all.


  65. JOE says:

    There is no apology that is going to make this OK. None. The Sheriff needs to resign or be fired. We don’t care how many multi-generation cops he historically comes from. This is beyond disgusting commentary and public postings! The young men he is “joking” with (and about) probably do not realize the work-place violations here, of which there are many. “The” County should be aware of the fact that they too are defendants in this mess. Jeeze. Are they too close to the trees to see the forest on fire? A “good man,” would NEVER and I repeat NEVER, have posted such heinous, insulting,blatantly offensive things. Get rid of the Commissioners if they can’t get a handle on this termination / recall, whatever.
    Why do people defend creepy (really creepy) behavior? It is likened to child-molesters who are defended because they are, ” nice, good, long-time in the community, relatives or seem like helpful people.” This is a DISGRACE to ALL law enforcement. This “Honorable Sheriff” should have been gone on day one. He finally got caught! Where is the order for forensic-computer evaluation anyway? There are many, many truly fine individuals who can handle the job. Someone in that town needs to get with it !


  66. rushvillecitizen says:

    Yes he is the VICTIM! And not funny. i agree with Joe sheiferdecker needs to go. but he will probably end up with a slap on the wrist. it is embarassing what has happen. Schuyler county needs to clean house at the sheriff dept.but i doubt that will happen.


  67. rushvillecitizen says:

    Thinkgoat, do you know why spencer bedwell used the picture of jesse ? i think it was mean to do that. schieferdecker and bedwell should be ashamed of theirselves! like you said he was the victim. maybe you can help the public understand how this all got started. thank-you rushvillecitizen


  68. justAbitch says:

    According to Schieferdecker, the three of them (Bedwell, Schieferdecker, and Jesse) always joke and piss around like that. This all started a long time ago because the good sherrif has never been held responsible for the things he has done. I would bet this isn’t the first time he has used this type of language. This is just the first time he got caught by people that weren’t going to stand for it.


  69. rushvillecitizen says:

    justAbitch, read your comment. understand what you wrote. but why didnt (schieferdecker and bedwell) post their pictures also? instead of just jesse picture! if they claimed they were just joking around. wonder how they would felt if jesse have done that to them?


  70. thinkgoat says:

    Unfortunately, I don’t think that truth will be found. After all, the sheriff has attempted to brush this all off. My guess is that Bedwell was being a bully. I imagine Jesse is mortified as well as his family. I know I’d be livid. And if they’re reading this and would like to email me in private, I’d love to open dialog on how the victim is reacting to all this.


  71. justAbitch says:

    I can’t answer your questions rushvillecitizen. I am not a part of their inner circle, so I can really only make assumptions. These are questions that need to be directed towards Bedwell and Schieferdecker.


  72. rushvillecitizen says:

    Thinkgoat, no doubt that him and his family are mortified about all of this. dont know him and his family personally. the only reason i mention him.was no one really said anything about him and how he felted about the things that was said on i said before Bedwell and Schieferdecker should be ashamed.


  73. bader says:

    I heard Donnie had a case against him against with a african american sex offender in the Prison in Rushville i wonder what he done or said to him.


  74. JOE says:

    Where is the Governor’s office on all of this? The local legislators ? ACLU ?Until the lawsuits fly, the cover-up of slap-on-wrist may happen. Time to let it FLY !


  75. Not alone in Schuyler County anymore says:

    Just found this statement on the Western Courier, the news for Western Illinois University, in Macomb, IL, about 20 miles north of Rushville, IL (Schuyler County). It is from the President of the University.

    President Goldfarb responds to sheriff’s remark.

    “After being asked for a statement by the Western Courier, I wanted to reply not only as president of this university, which always condemns such hateful speech, but as the son of Holocaust survivors. I find it disturbing that anyone would, more than a half a century after my parents were liberated from Nazi oppression and other family members were murdered because they were Jews, make homophobic and anti-Semitic comments. Even in his apology, Sheriff Schieferdecker refers to his Facebook posting as a ‘harmless joke.’ Such comments are not ‘harmless’ and should never be considered a ‘joke.’ I must, therefore, continue to wonder whether the sheriff, who is an elected official, would treat all individuals equitably and whether I can be assured that he would treat me fairly, and without prejudice, if he knew I were Jewish.”



  76. justAbitch says:

    bader….plaintiff in that case was an EMPLOYEE at the facility (not prison) in Rushville, which houses sex offenders…it was not filed by a sex offender from the facility. The link to the case is in a message above. The charges include discrimination, violation of first ammendment rights, that he was denied his rights to equal protection, illegal search, among others. Here is the link if you would like to better educate yourself.


  77. justAbitch says:

    @Not alone…this article has been circulating around facebook. Thanks for referencing it here for those that havent already seen it.


  78. Not alone in Schuyler County anymore says:

    Thanks justa…Not everyone uses facebook. I’ve gone to many of the websites – countrywide – and posted for people to come to this website for more information than is mentioned in their articles. Also, FB fans can go to ‘Fire Don Schieferdecker’ and voice your opinion.

    He’s back on the scanner today – not been on for the last two days. Business as usual.


  79. JOE says:

    What the President of Western Illinois University said is excellent. That is what should be listened to and actions taken against this Sheriff for his removal from office. Business as usual is completely unacceptable. And Crime Crawlers broke the story, HUGE kudos to them !


  80. thinkgoat says:

    I’ll get on scanning in the “local” reactions from the Rushville Times that was sent to me by an awesome and generous reader. This letter can’t wait –

    Open Letter to Schuyler County Sheriff Don Schieferdecker:

    With shock, I just read your so-called “joke” which, unfortunately for you, went “viral” on the internet.

    As a long time law enforcement professional, I must tell you that what is purported to be written by you (which I can assume to be correct as you “apologized” for writing it_ is despicable to me and disgraceful to the law enforcement profession! If you purport to be an honorable man, for the sake of avoiding further personal embarrassment to yourself and/or your department’s perception by the public…and certainly to the perception of you by truly professional law enforcement leaders…you will resign your position or, hopefully, be voted out of office in the next election!

    I write this to you a a law enforcement professional.

    Prior to retiring because of of heart problems, I put in 34-years of active law enforcement service, rising from patrol officer to Chief of Police. I was a police administrator in both a medium-sized department (350 personnel) and then, in 1987, became the Chief of Police (for 14 years) in a smaller department (25 personnel). I am also a Past-President of the California Police Chiefs Association and represented my state’s municipal Chiefs of Police (whose departments cover 75% of California’s population) in both our state’s and nation’s capitols.

    For 17-years, as a Chief and in post-retirement, I facilitated a “Chief’s Survival” course. It was attended by not only new Chiefs of Police and Sheriffs, but, also their seconds-in-command as well as those aspiring to become Chiefs from throughout the nation.

    One point we continually emphasized most was that it is a department head’s responsibility to exhibit ethical behavior. I continue to teach and provide guidance to law enforcement leaders in hopes of ensuring that the public has an accurate view of all of us who proudly wear (or have worn) the badge of our profession.

    Oh, I’m married, the proud father of two wonderful men…and, foremost in relation to you, I’m also a Jew (a religion you, obviously, have a disdain for…along with your disdain for those who may not have the same sexual orientation as you).

    Sheriff Schieferdecker, “character” can be simply defined as “What you do when no one else is watching!” This premise relates directly to what you stated after your posting on Facebook was released (then deleted after it was made public), “It was a –what I thought to be a harmless joke between friends and employees that I wasn’t aware of that was going out worldwide.”…”I mean it was a response to a joke and it was sent out as a joke.”

    You have left little question as to the quality of your character or perception, thereof. It appears you didn’t realize anyone else was “watching.” Your definition of “humor,” at minimum, is unacceptable to me, both on a personal and professional level! Sheriff, as my dear departed and wonderful mother always said, “You cannot unring the bell!”

    What is sad, Sheriff, is that you continue to consider yourself a “leader” in my profession. What YOU admittedly wrote demeans the integrity of your position and your law enforcement agency which, hopefully, does not follow your example! It appears that even your inadequate “attempt” to minimize the meaning or impact your own words does not raise the level of your character, which must be called into question. The head of any law enforcement agency must symbolize the philosophy of his/her agency to both the public it serves to and the agency’s employees. I truly hope you are not that symbol.

    Sheriff Schieferdecker, reading your own bio on your department’s website, you state you are an instructor in your local police academy. Are you teaching these recruits “values and ethics?”

    In case you forgot, let me remind you of that “little document” called the “Law Enforcement Code of Ethics,” written by the International Association of Chiefs of Police in the 1950’s and still used today! It has been subsequently adopted by virtually EVERY law enforcement agency in the United States. It is pledged to be abided by basic law enforcement academy graduates and newly sworn-in law enforcement officers throughout their careers. Have you ever heard of it? If so, do you understand what it truly means? Did you pledge to uphold it? Do you expect your subordinates abide by it when you don’t? The “Code of Ethics” clearly states, in part…

    “I will keep my private life unsullied as an example to all and will behave in a manner that does not bring discredit to me or to my agency.”

    Sheriff, your form of “humor” is out-of -step in today’s world, in general, but, more specifically, for a profession many of my colleagues throughout the nation and I have worked so hard in for so many years to professionalize , particularly in the view of the public.

    You, Sheriff Schieferdecker, are, in fact, held to a higher standard! You continued presence in MY profession mars (or, worse, reinforces) the public’s view of law enforcement within your jurisdiction which YOU are supposed to be the symbol of, brings discredit on your department and, in general, discredits professional law enforcement!

    Chief Peter G. Herley,
    Tibron, Calif.,
    Police Department (Ret.)
    California Police
    Chief’s Association

    Compliments of The Rushville Times Wednesday, March 30, 2011 edition


  81. just1moreopinion says:

    i agree with everything thats been said here well except in the case of our honorable sheriffs daughter…. she sees him as a father and loving grandfather to her children, well honey im sorry but WHY on earth would you want yor children to idolize a man that can cause so much hurt by such few simple yet severely complicated words? do you let your children dress in KKK costumes for halloween? CAUSE YA KNOW ITS ONLY A JOKE!!!! 🙂 I myself am currently waiting to hear back from CNN and what they decide to do with the wonderful life and times of our sheriff schieferdecker…. ive given them a lil back ground info on whats going on now, on the ryan jones case, and some of the other WONDERFUL information that just happened to pop up in my google search. I have already heard back from the producer of the show and am waiting to find out when they decide to air the story and what all it will contain. I myself may only be just one opinion, but when you add mine and damn near all of our surrounding areas opinions we are strong enough to have something done. We demand that he be taken out of office either by choice or force its up to him, really if he wants all of this to settle down sooner than later i would just resign instead of having EVERY little thing that he has ever done wrong be brought to public eye….. either way it goes he has lost any bit of respect he ever had in his community. he is a joke now, and not the hurtful kind… its rather funny. have a great day all. 🙂


  82. JOE says:

    What if the “apology” is not accepted by fags, or “little fag jew boys?”

    Then what Honorable Schuyler County Sheriff ?

    What about, “little fag jew boys,” fathers? What have you got to say to them? Resign already.


  83. Annoyed says:

    Not only does the rushville times not publish the letters to the editor on their website online, now the wikipedia article on don schieferdecker keeps getting deleted. Way to “sweep everything under the rug”! So much for freedom of speech & freedom of the press.


  84. thinkgoat says:

    Annoyed, I find it typical. The initial outrage from the “in group” in Schuyler County wasn’t regarding what the sheriff posted, it was that it “got out” of their inner circle.

    How long does it take to post a meeting time and date for this sensitivity seminar that was going to be organized by Mayor Thompson? Surely there’s a church or community building that could host the event. My guess is that idea was just a knee-jerk reaction and there was never any real intent to follow through…unless people pushed for it. Which they knew wouldn’t happen. The majority of people in that area seem to be complacent.

    I knew nothing would happen when the County Board didn’t speak up. How long does it take to find the screencaps, read them, and issue a statement? By turning a blind-eye to Shickjrefsdecetre’s (sp?) actions, I believe the County deserves every single law suit they’re bound to incur in the future.

    It’s mind-boggling to think that an entire community is willing to dismiss these postings as a “joke”. Business as usual in a small bigoted town.


  85. JOE says:

    It sounds like this needs to go to National Media & National Press. The Sheriff’s Associations, Governor’s of surrounding states, etc. We have never been to your town and never will. The TV stations ? It is still new and sounds like he isn’t gonna go of his own dignity and honor. Like a bad-wart, gonna have to be ousted.

    Someone with some time and energy might want to start a website about this “honorable Sheriff” and network with some justice seekers out of D.C. It doesn’t sound like something big law enforcement would like going on. All that bending-over commentary too. The Sheriff’s hunker down & circle the wagons doesn’t work anymore in this day & age of web access. Thank God. Don’t get discouraged little town, these things can take time, but we (little fag jew boy supporters) are betting the door will hit him on the way OUT.


  86. JOE says:

    What hasn’t he been put on administrative leave ??? This needs to be over-seen and investigated. Where is the Dept. of Justice ??? This is completely outrageous commentary…” imagine that.”


  87. justAbitch says:

    They could have the sensitivity meeting/The Power of Language assembly at the local high school. 😉


  88. thinkgoat says:

    Monthly Meeting On The 2nd Monday of each month

    Max McClelland, RR 4 Box 78A
    Rushville, IL 62681 217-322-4501

    Doug Henninger, 22 Lone Rock Est
    Rushville, IL 62681 217-322-2654

    District 1

    Timothy Wright, RR 2 Box 28
    Rushville IL 62681 217-322-3742

    Max McClelland, RR 4 Box 78A
    Rushville IL 62681 217-322-4501

    James Corrie, RR 1 Box 70
    Rushville IL 62681 217-322-6545

    District 2

    Robert “Bob” Phillips, 200 East Avenue
    Rushville IL 62681

    Jerry Ward, RR 3 Box 57
    Rushville IL 62681 217-322-4467

    Sandra K Valentine, PO Box 173
    Rushville IL 62681

    Doug Henninger, 22 Lone Rock Est.
    Rushville IL 62681 217-322-2654


  89. Annoyed says:

    ROFL! If the forum date, time & location is ever set, invite the governor & media to attend!


  90. thinkgoat says:

    Okay, the scanned articles from The Rushville Times turned out like shit. I woke up nice today, I’ll type them all in so our readers from around the globe can enjoy.

    First up, the front page article:

    Schuyler Sheriff Apologizes for Facebook ‘Joke’
    By Alan Icenogle

    Editor’s Note: The following story contains language that some readers might find offensive. It is included to allow readers to understand the issue.

    Schuyler County Sheriff Don Schieferdecker has apologized for racist and homophobic comments he placed last week on what he thought was a private internet Facebook account.

    The sheriff wrote a letter of apology which can be read in its entirety on page four of this week’s issue of The Rushville Times.

    The controversy started when the sheriff responded to a posting of a photo on facebook by Deputy Spencer Bedwell of another sheriff’s department employee, and the sheriff described the photo as that of “A little fag Jew boy.”

    “It is a comment I should have never made whether it was to go to the fellow employee or as it turned out, going out for everyone to see. It should have never happened,” the sheriff said. “It was meant as a joke to stay between friends as we throw humor back and forth between us in a non vindictive manner. That is no excuse for what I did. I realize my comment has made a lot of peple upset and hurt the feelings of several people. I would never intentionally do that to anyone.”

    On Monday, the sheriff said he had deleted his Facebook account.

    “I feel like a fool,” the sheriff said.

    “I feel about this tall,” he added, holding his forefinger and thumb about two inches apart.

    “I feel like I let a lot of people down,” the sheriff added.

    Responding to requests that he weigh in on the subject, Rushville Mayor Scott Thompson posted a statement.

    “Any speech, public or private, in jest or otherwise which is reflective of prejudice of any person on account of race, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, disability or any other reason is not acceptable and I condemn it,” said the mayor.

    “It is wrong. That type of speech, while common in the past has never been acceptable, entertaining, funny or appropriate. Hate speech damages the people to whom it is directed, the people using it and the community and forum in which it is used. This applies to all citizens, all people, in all venues both public nad private. Hate is hate, no matter where it originates.”

    The Civil Rights Agenda, an Illinois’ statewide advocacy and political organization, called for the sheriff’s resignation.

    “It is absolutely incomprehensible that an elected official would use such language to refer to a subordinate. I don’t care if it was meant in jest or not. I don’t care if he meant for everyone to see it or not. The fact is, the comment in now public and there should be consequences for statements such as this,” stated Anthony Martinez, Executive Director of the Civil Rights Agenda. “Not only is this remark extremely hurtful to many Illinoisans, it send a message to folks that it is okay to use such language. It sends the message that it is appropriate to mock Jewish people and people who are gay or part of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Community.”

    “There is no room for bigots in this state,” said Lowell Jaffe, Political Director of the Civil Rights Agenda. “As a Jewish decedent and a member of the LGBT Community, this comment turns my stomach. The sheriff is a very public figure and an elected official; he is a leader. His comments do not show leadership, they reek of discrimination and ignorance. Think of what this says to a child, especially a child who may be struggling with their sexual identity.”

    “We will be watching this very closely,” said Martinez. “We will be contacting the elected officials in the area, and other organizations and groups within the state that will work with us to ensure that the sheriff is held accountable for his discriminatory remarks.”

    Rushville Mayor Thompson has called for a public forum to be held on the topics of civil public discourse and hate speech in a civil society. He has asked that anyone willing to participate in this forum contact him at city hall: 217-322-3833.

    Published in The Rushville Times, Wednesday March 30, 2011


  91. thinkgoat says:


    Maybe We All Can Learn Something From Sheriff’s Gaffe

    Small towns in small counties in rural areas like west central Illinois have plenty of obstacles to overcome.

    There are transportation problems, lack of employment opportunities, and limits in the areas of cultural enlightenment, just to name a few.

    Perhaps, however, the largest obstacle is the perception of the outside world that hose who live in such areas are just a bunch of uneducated, narrow-minded rubes, who are only there because they couldn’t escape.

    That’s why Schuyler County Sheriff Don Schieferdecker’s recent indefensible, racist and homophobic comments of Facebook are so damaging.

    Just as those comments played on negative stereotypes, they played right into the negative opinions that others have about us who live here.

    As Rushville Mayor Schott Thompson said, “Hate speech damages the people to whom it is directed, the people using it and the community and forum in which it is used.

    We aren’t in the business to call for anybody’s resignation, and we know that otherwise “good” people sometimes get carried away and make comments that are stupid, hurtful and ignorant.

    In this case, the sheriff hit the jackpot of stupid, hurtful and ignorant.

    Such remarks and “jokes” have gotten people fired from jobs such as hosting television talk shows and as the voice of the AFLAC Duck.

    We all could ge tvery self-righteous on this issue, beat our chests, call for the sheriff to step down, and then apparently feel better and compliment ourselves on how “good” we are.

    However, many people who have made such comments in the past have learned from them and gone on to become better.

    This is a chance for all of us here in Schuyler County to do the same.

    We’re guessing that the sheriff is not the only one in the area who has made such comments, either on the internet, or in what they thought were otherwise private situations.

    From what we’ve hard, some of the responses to the sheriff’s comments have been little better than the original.

    Mayor Thompson has suggested that a public forum be held on the topics of “civil public discourse and hate speech in a civil society.”

    This sounds like a good place to start.

    Those of us who moved to Schuyler County, and all who grew up here, somewhere along the line heard the phrase, “Schuyler Against the World.”

    The story many of us heard was that soldiers during World War I from Schuyler County started using the saying, and brought it back with them.

    We assume the messsage was meant to be a positive indication of a rugged individualism and self-reliance of the residents of a small county tucked away in west central Illinois.

    However, the world has changed in the last 100 years.

    Travel, immigration, cable and satellite television, cell phones, and the Internet have all combined to bring the world to our doorsteps.

    Maybe this incident can kick start us on our way to a new phase.

    Something like: “Schuyler County, a unique and welcoming corner of the world in which the beauty and value of all individuals is recognized and honored as we strive to make ourselves and our community a better place to live, prosper and raise our children.”

    The Rushville Times, Wednesday, March 30, 2011



  92. JOE says:

    Sounds like the editor doesn’t get it either.

    “We’re guessing that the sheriff is not the only one in the area who has made such comments, either on the internet, or in what they thought were otherwise private situations”

    Uh…no. Can of worms in that town. A ” good place to start,” would be with removal of the Sheriff from office and competent, qualified personel being hired. The Deputy might need investigating too. Our guess, just a matter of time.


  93. thinkgoat says:

    Sheriff Offers Apology


    I write this letter offering my heartfelt, sincere apologies to all of the fine residents of Rushville and Schuyler County and everywhere in the world. A few weeks ago, I made a very stupid mistake by putting a comment on the computer Facebook program.

    I had came home early one morning, after doing an all night stake out at an area we have been having problems at in the county. Before I went to bed, I clicked on the coputer and was reviewing the Facebook page. I saw a picture and a comment made by a fellow employee and a friend about another friend that we work with on a regular bases.

    I made a very inappropriate comment about this picture. I made this comment thinking it was going only to the person that had placed the picture and original comment on Facebook. The comment I made was uncalled for, but it was meant in a joking manner about our fellow employee.

    I later found out my uncalled for comment went worldwide on Facebook. It is a comment I should have never made whether it was to go to the fellow employee or as it turned out, going out for everyone to see. It should have never happened. It was meant as a joke to stay between friends as we throw humor back and forth between us in a non vindictive manner. That is no excuse for what I did. I realize my comment has made a lot of people upset and hurt the feelings of several people. I would never intentionally do that to anyone.

    I realize the comment made stupidly by me has hurt some people and created an embarrassment for several. No one is more embarrassed or sorry for what has happened than me.

    I never meant to create a problem or an embarrassment, but I cannot change what I did. I can only offer my sincere apology to everyone and ask for your forgiveness.

    I have dedicated my life to public service working for the City of Rushville and the County of Schuyler. I have made some mistakes daily but none like the blunder I have just done. I feel like I have let everyone down and for that I am extremely sorry. I meant to hurt no one.

    I have no prejudices in regard to the comment I made of which I meant nothing by.

    This does not cast a good light on me. I made a mistake, and I am extremely sorry for the remark made that has hurt several people’s feelings.

    It was not meant to be that, but as I have previously said, I made a mistake, I am extremely sorry and I ask for your forgiveness. It is a mistake that will never be made again.

    Don L. Schieferdecker

    The Rushville Times, Wednesday, March 30, 2011


  94. thinkgoat says:

    Calls for Sheriff’s Removal


    I have just read an article about the Schuyler County Sheriff’s anti-semitic and homophobic comment that borders on pedophilia, and his non-apology that he didn’t realize the comment would be public, but would only be shared by a circle of friends (which would have made it ok?).

    As a Jewish woman with male friends (some gay, some straight) who were molested when they were chouldren by men in authority, I am sickened by both your sheriff’s comment, and the belief that it was “just a joke.”

    I hope that the county government takes swift action to remove this insensitive jerk from his position, but not before he is required to attend intensive sensitivity training!

    Dana Pearl
    Evanston, IL

    The Rushville Times, Wednesday, March 30, 2011


  95. thinkgoat says:

    Sheriff’s Facebook Post


    Most of you don’t know the sheriff as I do. But I know that a lot of you know who he really is and the time he has given, the effort and genuine care he has shown to the people of Schuyler County for the 30+ years he has been in law enforcement there.

    Most should know that he is fair, gives people a chance and that he would be the first to come to the aid of anyone that needed help.

    Just because he made a simple mistake doesn’t mean that he should be tarred and feathered- he has apologized for his mistake.

    His mistake was simply using the wrong avenue to joke around with a friend. I’m sure the way that some of you joke with your friends wouldn’t be funny to anyone else if it was heard by an outside observer, but that doesn’t mean that you are a horrible person or that those comments define who you are.

    I would ask that Sheriff Schieferdecker be judged based on his years of positive service- and not for the words spoken in one sentence.

    The people of Schuyler County know who you are and what you stand for, and know that you are a good person, sheriff. We are behind you. Hang in there and do your job like you always have.

    Thank you,
    Roy Schieferdecker


  96. Annoyed says:

    Open Letter to Schuyler County Sheriff Don Schieferdecker:

    With shock, I just read your so-called “joke” which, unfortunately for you, went “viral” on the internet.

    As a long time law enforcement professional, I must tell you that what is purported to be written by you (which I can assume to be correct as you “apologized” for writing it_ is despicable to me and disgraceful to the law enforcement profession! If you purport to be an honorable man, for the sake of avoiding further personal embarrassment to yourself and/or your department’s perception by the public…and certainly to the perception of you by truly professional law enforcement leaders…you will resign your position or, hopefully, be voted out of office in the next election!

    I write this to you a a law enforcement professional.

    Prior to retiring because of of heart problems, I put in 34-years of active law enforcement service, rising from patrol officer to Chief of Police. I was a police administrator in both a medium-sized department (350 personnel) and then, in 1987, became the Chief of Police (for 14 years) in a smaller department (25 personnel). I am also a Past-President of the California Police Chiefs Association and represented my state’s municipal Chiefs of Police (whose departments cover 75% of California’s population) in both our state’s and nation’s capitols.

    For 17-years, as a Chief and in post-retirement, I facilitated a “Chief’s Survival” course. It was attended by not only new Chiefs of Police and Sheriffs, but, also their seconds-in-command as well as those aspiring to become Chiefs from throughout the nation.

    One point we continually emphasized most was that it is a department head’s responsibility to exhibit ethical behavior. I continue to teach and provide guidance to law enforcement leaders in hopes of ensuring that the public has an accurate view of all of us who proudly wear (or have worn) the badge of our profession.

    Oh, I’m married, the proud father of two wonderful men…and, foremost in relation to you, I’m also a Jew (a religion you, obviously, have a disdain for…along with your disdain for those who may not have the same sexual orientation as you).

    Sheriff Schieferdecker, “character” can be simply defined as “What you do when no one else is watching!” This premise relates directly to what you stated after your posting on Facebook was released (then deleted after it was made public), “It was a –what I thought to be a harmless joke between friends and employees that I wasn’t aware of that was going out worldwide.”…”I mean it was a response to a joke and it was sent out as a joke.”

    You have left little question as to the quality of your character or perception, thereof. It appears you didn’t realize anyone else was “watching.” Your definition of “humor,” at minimum, is unacceptable to me, both on a personal and professional level! Sheriff, as my dear departed and wonderful mother always said, “You cannot unring the bell!”

    What is sad, Sheriff, is that you continue to consider yourself a “leader” in my profession. What YOU admittedly wrote demeans the integrity of your position and your law enforcement agency which, hopefully, does not follow your example! It appears that even your inadequate “attempt” to minimize the meaning or impact your own words does not raise the level of your character, which must be called into question. The head of any law enforcement agency must symbolize the philosophy of his/her agency to both the public it serves to and the agency’s employees. I truly hope you are not that symbol.

    Sheriff Schieferdecker, reading your own bio on your department’s website, you state you are an instructor in your local police academy. Are you teaching these recruits “values and ethics?”

    In case you forgot, let me remind you of that “little document” called the “Law Enforcement Code of Ethics,” written by the International Association of Chiefs of Police in the 1950′s and still used today! It has been subsequently adopted by virtually EVERY law enforcement agency in the United States. It is pledged to be abided by basic law enforcement academy graduates and newly sworn-in law enforcement officers throughout their careers. Have you ever heard of it? If so, do you understand what it truly means? Did you pledge to uphold it? Do you expect your subordinates abide by it when you don’t? The “Code of Ethics” clearly states, in part…

    “I will keep my private life unsullied as an example to all and will behave in a manner that does not bring discredit to me or to my agency.”

    Sheriff, your form of “humor” is out-of -step in today’s world, in general, but, more specifically, for a profession many of my colleagues throughout the nation and I have worked so hard in for so many years to professionalize , particularly in the view of the public.

    You, Sheriff Schieferdecker, are, in fact, held to a higher standard! You continued presence in MY profession mars (or, worse, reinforces) the public’s view of law enforcement within your jurisdiction which YOU are supposed to be the symbol of, brings discredit on your department and, in general, discredits professional law enforcement!

    Chief Peter G. Herley,
    Tibron, Calif.,
    Police Department (Ret.)
    California Police
    Chief’s Association

    Compliments of The Rushville Times Wednesday, March 30, 2011 edition


  97. justAbitch says:

    I think the most patronizing thing I have read so far is the statement from Roy Schieferdecker. Who is he the sheriffs fucking brother? I dont think he can give an unbiased opinion. He is just trying to save a family members ass. What is wrong with these people that they still think this was nothing more than a joke, that there is nothing offensive about it at all? And he is fair?? As long as you aren’t lying dying in a ditch at the hands of a cops kid. Then by all means he is fair.


  98. ok there are so many things that are just wrong in the COPIED letters from the editors and what not…… first off the apology letter from the sheriff…… WOW CONRGATULATIONS you read what everyone of us wrate and you basically down right plagerized it AWESOME JOB should we give you a pat on the back???? its not really hard to apologize to someone after everyone is complaining about EXACTLY what you DIDNT apologize about….. i guess you were just speechless til we gave you a a starting point huh…. and lets see another thing we have MANY posts on this forum on this topic alone and the only people i saw that had ANYTHING good (whether it was truthful or not) was from his own 2 family members. if the sheriff actually cared about what we had to say other than get your ass out of office maybe he would get on here communicate keyboard to keyboard with us and have a conversation like an adult, but then again with that mouth of his he might just be watching it carefully for fear he might come home tired from a stake out again and say something stupid that WASNT meant to be shown to the world…. i wonder when he signed up for his facebook account….. i have nieces and nephews who are 13 years old that JUST got facebook accounts and already understand the difference between a PRIVATE message and a post to where others can see…. ummm i mean hello FB even gives you a notice telling you someone has commented back on your post therefore common sense says OTHER people can see it….. guess common sense isnt all that common anymore… well atleast not for him.
    and on the Editorial
    Maybe We All Can Learn Something From Sheriff’s Gaffe………..

    ARE YOU SERIOIUS???????????


    this is NOT the first thing that has been done by the sheriff that makes our citizen uncomfortable…… im sure everyone would raise their hands (except those that were HELPED by what the sheriff did) if asked who here is confused/baffeled upsett/outraged and plenty more emotions over the whole death of the poor boy ryan jones…….. WHO HAS STILL YET TO EVEN GO TO COURT……. not to mention there is still another case opened from 2009 involving him and an african american man…. can we say corruption? just in case some of you (sheriffs family members are confused here is how WEBSTERS defines it,,,, now tell me if any of this sounds like our HONORABLE SHERIFF

    World English Dictionary
    corruption (kəˈrʌpʃən)

    — n
    1. the act of corrupting or state of being corrupt
    2. moral perversion; depravity
    3. dishonesty, esp bribery
    4. putrefaction or decay
    5. alteration, as of a manuscript
    6. an altered form of a word

    just something to think about…..


  100. JOE says:

    The point that some seem to be missing is; this Sheriff had this commentary inside his mind. It does not matter if it was intended for only one person on FaceBook or not. It doesn’t matter when or why or how it happened. What matters is that this foul, disgusting, repulsive commentary was inside of him. He no longer should represent the Badge of Law Enforcement. That’s the bottom line. A man like this should not have the right to arrest, carry a gun which can be used against another, or represent a community. It is clear that the editors of the local-paper don’t get it. Thank God others do. Don’t stop Goat…you broke the story. Charge-on !


  101. JOE says:

    And to Roy Schieferdecker: You TOTALLY do not get it.

    ” Just because he made a simple mistake ”

    ” His mistake was simply using the wrong avenue to joke around with a friend. I’m sure the way that some of you joke with your friends wouldn’t be funny to anyone else if it was heard by an outside observer,”

    Uh-no Roy. This is exactly why resignation and education for the Schieferdecker family is very apparently needed.


  102. Shaun says:

    I an writing this to the readers of this post and to the family and friends of the sheriff.

    Straight men do not make jokes about shoving their dick in a young mans ass, dry or with lube.

    Straight men do not make jokes about getting their cock sucked by a young man!

    Straight men do not joke with other straight men about performing sexual acts on young men.

    Being married with children and grand children does not a straight man make!

    As well as being a Catholic Priest does not make the man celibate!

    The words of this man should concern not just the community but they should concern his family.

    The wife who is afflicted by STD’s or HIV from her husband does not tell the community, the shame is to great, the child who has been abused does not speak out do to shame, or fear!

    How the citizens of this community can take the chance that this man might not be whom he depicts himself to be is frightening.

    40 years ago I lived just minutes from you, the married man who used to joke about me behind my back was also the man who was on my back fucking me when I was 13, I went to church with him and his wife because my parents thought they were such great christians, a public servant, a police officer.

    Gay men are the recipients of hate as a result of this type of man and the words he so freely uses, married men with children on the down low (having sex with men) (in the closet) these are the men that create a hateful image of gay men.
    Married men with children in mall restrooms and rest stops along the road give gay men a bad name.

    Gay men hold more distain for these disgraceful people than any other.

    Weather the sheriff is in the closet, on the down low, a pedophile or just another midwest piece of shit living on his families name he needs to go, if I were his family I would force him to not only resign his position but to leave the country, before ll of the truth is found out.

    And the truth always comes out.

    Dawn, you should be worried about protecting your children from knowing the disturbing facts about their grandfather, you should be scarred of what might surface next.

    The world is searching for a way to use your children’s grandfather as an example of what is not acceptable , the world around you is changing, and the ability for generations of families to keep secrets and abuse the law is soon to be gone.

    The new media that has exposed this man by his own hand will also destroy him and his families past and future.


  103. thinkgoat says:

    An open letter to the mayor of Rushville, Illinois
    APRIL 4, 2011
    by taskforceblog

    Dear Mayor Thompson,

    I write to you with a heavy heart. I have just learned of Sheriff Don Schieferdecker’s anti-Semitic and anti-gay posting on his now-deleted Facebook page. As you can easily see from my signature, I work at a national organization that seeks legal and social justice for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people in the United States. Indeed, creating a society in which the sheriff’s postings would never occur is my life’s goal.

    I grew up in neighboring Beardstown, graduating from high school in 1970. I am mostly proud of where I come from, with some exceptions. The sheriff’s postings caused me to recall:

    • Students in Beardstown High School bullying and harassing others whom they thought to be gay or lesbian;

    • A basketball game between the Rushville High School (RHS) team and a team from Jacksonville at which a Jacksonville player, who was African-American, was called “nigger” by RHS fans;

    • Townspeople in Beardstown who called others “fag” and “dyke” on the street;

    • A letter to our local newspaper that suggested my parents buy me a one-way ticket to Russia because I had organized a brief and relatively mild student assembly to discuss the Vietnam War;

    • That Beardstown was ignobly a “sundown town,” having signs posted on its outskirts until the early 1950s that read “Nigger, don’t let the sun set on you here”;

    • That I did not meet an African-American person until I left our West Central Illinois region;

    • That I did not meet a Jewish person until I left our West Central Illinois region.

    I relate all of this to you in the interest of sharing my own history and experiences of racist and homophobic language and behavior in the valleys and hills of the Illinois River. Of these incidents, I am not proud and all still sting.

    I note with some measure of pride, though, that you have called for a community meeting to talk about hate speech. I hope that this will be a good and healing gathering for the folks in Rushville who were hurt by the sheriff’s words. Your leadership shines through with this important initiative. I also note that, to date, no action has been taken regarding the sheriff and his postings. I urge that you and other responsible leaders of Schuyler County ask for and receive and accept his resignation. As an elected official, you know that law enforcement officers, from the leadership to the front line officers of all law enforcement agencies, cannot harbor such bigotry against the citizens they serve and protect. If they harbor these thoughts, how can those they serve have any confidence in their equal and just application of the laws? You must take all means to remove the sheriff from his post. I know this cannot be easy or simple, but it is your sworn duty to uphold the constitutions of the United States and the state of Illinois and to ensure equal protection for all under the laws of the nation, the state, and the county. There is no other way to win back the confidence of those you represent.

    My high school classmate, David Osmer, just retired as sheriff of Cass County. I have not communicated directly with Dave about this, but intend to do so in order to seek his advice and counsel and reassurance that the Cass County sheriff’s office would not tolerate expressions of bigotry such as come from Sheriff Scheiferdecker. I want to know that because I have reason to visit Beardstown and Cass County from time to time and would not want to assume extra risk on a trip there to visit my parents’ graves or to attend my high school class reunions.

    While I am a lesbian, I am not Jewish. But my wife is Jewish. We have raised our children to believe fervently in the dignity and equality of all people. It is with equally heavy heart that I know I must tell my children the story of the sheriff and that I have written you this letter. Our children, all our children, must know that we have their backs and will protect them from the public expressions of anti-Semitic and anti-gay bigotries. They will ask me if the sheriff will be appropriately dealt with and I will want to tell them that the mayor of Rushville is taking all due measures to see that his town and his county are well-served by the office of sheriff and its personnel. Please let me know when I can tell my kids that you have done what you must do: accept Sheriff Scheiferdecker’s resignation.

    I thank you for reading this letter and I apologize for its length. I know you must be receiving correspondence about this matter from many people. I appreciate that you may not respond to me immediately.

    With respect and deep interest,

    Sue Hyde
    Director, National Conference on LGBT Equality: Creating Change
    National Gay and Lesbian Task Force



  104. thinkgoat says:

    I got a load of disturbing information a bit ago regarding the good sheriff who’s dedicated to public service.

    With the parent’s permission, I will outline the basic details.

    Please note: these accounts are from a parent and there’s not been a formal complaint made so all accounts are “alleged” to have happened.

    “Parent” had indication her young son was being molested by an older relative and was starting to ask a lot of questions. An estranged or ex relative disclosed he’d allegedly been molested by this same man when he was young.

    “Parent” went to the Schuyler County PD, spoke with an officer who had her fill out a report which ended up being 4 pages long. “Parent” was told the case would be referred to Don Schieferdecker and Anna Marie (his wife?) and they’d get back to them as far as how they’d proceed.

    Fast forward ONE WEEK. Nothing. The parent contacted the PD again to ask why they’d not been interviewed or why they had not heard anything.

    his answer to me? They didn’t have enough evidence to take it any further

    No DCFS contact, no interviews, no nothing. Evidence ordinarily doesn’t just walk through the door and present itself. But according to the parent, the family was never contacted.

    The Illinois State Police have been contacted and the child will be examined in the morning at 10a.

    Again, this is the parent’s account – but it sure raises a shitload of questions about the integrity and dedication of the Schuyler County Sheriff if found to be factual.

    I’ve had past contact with this parent and have found them to be a solid community member and able to back up anything that was brought to my attention. In other words, I have no reason or hesitation believing their account, whatsoever.


  105. JOE says:

    The post by:

    Sue Hyde
    Director, National Conference on LGBT Equality: Creating Change
    National Gay and Lesbian Task Force

    What a fantastic letter Sue Hyde wrote. Thank you and thank you Crime Crawlers for posting.

    All information here is pertinent and apprecited. We wrote our letter to your local news paper editor today. Thanks again !


  106. thinkgoat says:

    You’re awesome, Joe. I sure hope the people of Schuyler County appreciate those who’re able to see beyond the blinders. I can’t wait to read your letter – I know someone will send me a copy of the paper!


  107. ENOUGH ALREADY says:

    I left this county many years ago only to return with the naive thinking that Schuyler County had had grown up and changed along with the rest of the world. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! What a fucking joke that is! When are the people of this county going to have enough of this bullshit and insist on a serious change in law enforcement? It’s a well known fact that the “good” Sheriff only hires people that he knows are of lesser intellect than he is, so you know what his deputies are made of. Not only is his department causing pain and distress to the citizens of Schuyler County, we’re the laughing stock of the entire planet. And, after all of this other crap, a child has allegedly been molested and, once again, it’s not being investigated and/or being covered up. No wonder people leave from here as soon as they graduate from high school and realize that the rest of the world isn’t the same as this redneck viper pit. Schieferdecker has no shame and doesn’t give a damn about anybody but himself and his cronies. If he did, he’d resign.


  108. JOE says:

    The local colleges should be on this too. Some have organized meetings and get-out-the-word awareness gatherings in other states.


  109. JOE says:

    Has the Governor weighed in on this yet ???

    Enough Already said it well:
    ” Schieferdecker has no shame and doesn’t give a damn about anybody but himself and his cronies. If he did, he’d resign.”


  110. […] The origin of this controversy was a blog called Crime Crawlers and a person so courageous he or she hides behind the moniker “ThinkGoat.” It just so happens that ThinkGoat had been nursing a grudge against Schieferdecker for quite some time, and he or she followed an “anonymous tip” to a photo on Spencer Bedwell’s (Schieferdecker’s coworker) Facebook account. The photo featured a young man with his mouth open, alongside the comments in question. You can see it on the original post at this link. […]


  111. JOE says:

    Think Goat,
    I wouldn’t put the ping-back link. They sound like the hooded KKK. Don’t give em the time of day and continue to call for this Sheriff’s resignation. Send it to every news outlet you can think of….start with Fox news, Time magazine and CNN !!!


  112. thinkgoat says:

    That article had me in tears. I don’t mind “hit” pieces and really, one out of thousands and thousands isn’t all that bad.

    If I understand correctly, this evening is the monthly County Board meeting and Mr. Martinez (of The Civil Rights Agenda) will be there – apparently he’s on the agenda. I’ve also heard “rumor” the sheriff was advised not to attend for fear of him losing his temper. Nice trust issues, huh?

    Edit to add: I’ve been told the “pro Schieferdecker” facebook pages are deleting any and all comments regarding the sheriff’s actions. Even direct links to articles. They refuse to allow both sides of the “argument” to be heard. We welcome dissenting views, even if they’re wrong!



  113. Not alone in Schuyler County anymore says:

    That article made me upset but he has shown that he didn’t research anything when he went to this website. I felt impelled to write my comment, which at this point is awaiting moderation. I wrote as follows:

    I have read your ‘article’ and would like you to know this, and ThinkGoat in particular, just recently helped with 2 horrific crimes here in Schuyler County. If you check out the Susan Bonser Murder story, you will see that this honorable sheriff had DNA evidence (from 17 years ago!)which proved who the alleged murderer was but did not pursue the investigation into this young girl’s brutal murder until Susan’s family member and ThinkGoat reopened the case, so to speak, to the public. The state investigators interviewed Jeff Kennedy and he promptly got drunk, stole two vehicles and rolled the second one when he was caught in Adams County. He confessed to the Grand Jury and received a 34 year sentence for a horrible murder he did over 17 years ago. What did the sheriff do except sweep the evidence under the rug, although he had promised to find the killer when he was elected sheriff! Secondly, check out the Murder of Ryan Jones in Oct 2009. You will see that a young man died and there was an abundance of cover up with the investigation, i.e., not securing the scene of the vehicle wreck and witnesses. Allowing them to go home after cleaning up the evidence; such as wiping down the inside of the vehicle to erase fingerprints, moving the body, not calling an ambulance and sheriff’s office immediately, etc. The sheriff’s GODSON, Ryan Boyd, is the son of one of the sheriff’s deputies, SY-7 Scott Boyd. This case was brought in front of another Grand Jury in Schuyler county (2 Grand Juries in one year for 2 murders!) and ONLY because of the CrimeCrawlers website. People of Schuyler county are fed up with the cover ups and special treatments of only a certain few upstanding citizens of this county.
    In addition, this sheriff is known for arresting/detaining juveniles and keeping them in back rooms without notifying parents/guardians immediately. Have you read the other comments this elected official said in another FB post? Bedwell: “My give-a-damn is busted!”
    Schieferdecker: “Yeah, last night when you bent over and it went in dry, that is probably not all that busted mister”. How would you like your son to held ‘in the back for hours’ when the Sheriff has these thoughts in his head???
    This man arranges Big Buddy Days once a month with young kids, he gives lectures at the schools for the DARE program, dealing with strangers, halloween safety, etc. Would you trust this man and his staff to SAFELY watch your child in an unsupervised setting? I think not.
    Crimecrawlers has done a great service to those of us who live in Schuyler county, who have been subjected to his ‘form’ of legal procedures and threats against our sons and daughters. They have exposed what happened the night of Oct 3, 2009 when the sheriff didn’t want to meet with the parents of Ryan Jones regarding their son’s death and has they have given Susan Emerick Bonser’s family closure and a date of death to put on her headstone!
    You ask “How did this incident go from a few keystrokes on a social networking site to the pages of every local newspaper? While there is no question that this sheriff displayed poor judgment and a total lack of professionalism, it certainly does not warrant the attention it received.” Seriously?
    Crimecrawlers, ThinkGoat and those of us in Schuyler county and beyond who fear retaliation by the sheriff and his staff are the ones who have exposed these unprofessional postings because it is the cherry on top of the sundae to help bring attention to the corrupt, disgusting and un-professionalism of an elected official and his subordinates.
    I am a military veteran (retired)20 years service and cannot believe that you believe this ‘incident’ should be ignored.
    The Schuyler county board members have been very quiet regarding this and we want answers. I suggest everyone go to the Crimecrawlers website and read these stories and you would see just how this incident went from ‘a few keystrokes on a social networking site to the pages of every local newspaper’ (plus worldwide newspapers, and television!) We want justice. You bet there is OUTRAGE IN ILLINOIS! Thank you ThinkGoat and Crimecrawlers!


  114. justAbitch says:

    has there been a request for change of venue in the Boyd case? How is there going to be a fair, unbiased trial when everyone knows everyone else?


  115. thinkgoat says:

    It’s seldom the prosecutor’s call on change of venue and if Boyd feels as though he’s better favored in Schuyler County, that’s where he’ll stay.

    And Not Alone, thank you. Wow. It’ll be interesting to see if the “author” releases your comment from moderation queue. I hope so but I’m not banking on it!


  116. Annoyed says:

    Learned of this today about another illinois sheriff involved in a scandal. Not sure if you ever posted this story on here or heard about it.


  117. PCWolf says:

    I read the Disclosure News Online article by the highly acclaimed Michael Kleen on the “suppression of free speech”. I left a comment which was later removed – wtf??? Here is my free speech Mr. Kleen: “You are a douchebag”.


  118. Omar says:

    ThinkGoat: You could probably do a whole website on corrupt bastard Sheriff’s. Starting with your own of course !

    We think you deserve a blog-award / media award for breaking this story. Think about phoning National Radio talk show hosts: Laura Ingram and Dennis Prager, he would be great (a Jew who hates this kind of injustice and ” joke”)


    Medford Oregon: Mail Tribune
    The Jackson County Board of Commissioners voted unanimously Thursday to award a settlement to a man who alleges two Jackson County sheriff’s deputies beat him while he was lodged in the Jackson County Jail in July 2007.
    County counsel Ryan Kirchoff refused comment on the terms of the settlement, including its amount or specific allegations against the deputies that were not dismissed.

    “The terms are confidential,” Kirchoff said.
    Comfort’s lawyer, Richard Thierolf, also would not comment.
    The man to receive the unknown amount, Everett Comfort, was allegedly beaten by deputies Korby Messer and Gary Clark after being arrested in 2007, according to court documents. Sgt. Arlyn Granger, in charge of the jail at the time, was also named as a defendant in the case.

    The documents say Comfort, then 47, was arrested for public intoxication, a violation of his parole on a previous conviction of driving under the influence of intoxicants. While he was in a holding cell, Messer and Clark allegedly beat Comfort. The beating resulted in three broken ribs, damage to several transverse processes — components of the backbone — and other surface injuries such as bruising. Comfort was hospitalized at Rogue Valley Medical Center for four days following the incident.
    Sheriff’s office officials did not return phone calls for comment.

    Comfort filed a lawsuit against Jackson County in 2009, a day before the statute of limitations would have expired. A judge dismissed the case in July 16, 2010, on the grounds the original document sent to the sheriff’s office saying Comfort intended to sue did not “properly state a claim upon which relief can be granted.”

    Comfort’s lawyers appealed the decision the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which later acted as a mediator in the final settlement. The parties worked out a final deal Feb. 11, and the commissioners approved it Thursday.

    Reach Ryan Pfeil at 541-776-4468 or email


  119. justAbitch says:

    Omar check out the page on fb “Time for Change for Small Town America” It is dedicated to just that, corrupt cops.


  120. […] mail on a discriminating basis.  I bring this issue up since one of there own, Schuyler County Sheriff Don Scheiferdecker made a derogatory comment about a picture of a boy on-line calling him ”little fag Jew […]


  121. Space Pope says:

    @ Not Alone in Schuyler – Your post on another site led me here, just wanted to say Thanks. Kleen’s response to your post was at least as lame as the article. In light of the recent Roberts Court ruling in favor of Westboro Baptist Church, I feel like my freedom of speech is nice and safe for now, (unless I’m speaking against government) and any advocacy group is only going to influence my thoughts, speech, or behavior to the degree that I allow them to do so and I tend to guard these things closely.

    I found it particularly cool that Kleen was doing his utmost to sell fear while attempting to misdirect my sense of that toward advocacy groups. Glenn Beck would be jealous he didn’t write it. In any case, I don’t personally wish to deny the Sheriff his right to say what he wants, when he wants, where he wants, etc.

    I do however support efforts to deny him his next paycheck as Sheriff of Schuyler Co, because of my belief that you can’t publish this ignorant shit to the world and have that paycheck too. Clearly, he has called into question his willingness to perform his duty on behalf of those he deems distasteful, as well as his ability to supervise others. You just can’t talk about people, even subordinates that you call friends, that way in law enforcement. He’s just too damn dumb and dirty to keep around in my book. It’s also past time that the nutless cookie-pushers on the Co. board let people know where they’re at in this. You politicians can’t hide from this forever, so declare yourselves already.

    So sayeth the Space Pope, Crocodilus Pontifex


  122. Not alone in Schuyler County anymore says:

    Thanks, Space Pope. Most of this has calmed down here but many people are still angry, most of us knowing that his posting on FB isn’t the only crap that he has been involved in as you can read elsewhere on this site.

    TG – wanted you to know this. There was an ad in this week’s newspaper that I thought you would be interested in. “My Personal Connection to the Holocaust” presented by WIU President Dr. Alvin Goldfarb. Friday, May 20, 7:30pm at the Phoenix Opera House on the south side of Central Park….proceeds go toward Pandora’s Playhouse production of The Diary of Anne Frank on June 2-4. The presentation will be 30 minutes followed by a Q and A and free reception.

    Question? Do you think the Sheriff and his staff will attend? The Sheriff’s office is about one and a half blocks west of the location, on the same street. Sensitivity training 101.

    Oh, and the mayor has not followed through with a public forum or even mentioned that again.


  123. just the facts says:

    space pope you can do that at the polls on election day, vote him out of a job…


  124. Space Pope says:

    I live in east central but I was really interested in the story because my Dad lived in Rushville for a quite a while before passing away about this time last year. I’ve visited the area many times and will again occasionally to visit my step-family.


  125. Omar says:

    This man should have been out of office, day one. Demands for his resignation lead to sensitivity-training, or some such bull. A man who is in the esteemed and very serious postion of carrying a gun and jailing people- – should not need sensitivity training for comments about bending-over-dry. Disgusting.

    This lout should have been removed from office by those with authority to do so. Where is the Governor’s office on all of this and what does Bill OReilly have to say?? This needs to be known outside of the state and on a National level.

    This is critical and should not be dragging on.


  126. Joe says:

    Laptop repair you make no sense. BUT on that note, what’s this creepy, lawbreaking Sheriff still doing in office ? Sheesh.


  127. thinkgoat says:

    @ Joe – I guess he’s protecting that good community as only a bigoted sheriff can do. I thank my lucky stars daily he isn’t sworn to serve and protect me! Somehow, I don’t think that arrangement would work out so well.


  128. Yellow says:

    Since we are now in the age of holding people accountable for every little fart they wind, I hold you responsible for making that fatphobic joke about not seeing his feet in years.



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